School Fund?
What is School Fund?
Every year we ask parents for a contribution to the School Fund
The request of £60 per pupil (to a maximum of £100 per family) is small in comparison to that asked at other schools
We offer the chance to pay in two installments (October and January £30 each/family £50.00).
What is School Fund used for?
School Fund is used for the benefit of all pupils at the school.
Examples include:
- Supplementing library stock
- Additional teaching resources
- Hire of recreational facilities
- Prize Day expenses
- Subsidising travel expenses of pupils eg: field trips, sports fixtures
- Providing refreshments at Parents Evenings & Open Nights
- Improvement of the school environment
- Maintaining the academic ethos of the school
How can I pay School Fund?
Your son/daughter should bring a crossed cheque made out to ‘Limavady Grammar School’; we can also accept cash payments. In the future we hope to be able to process online transactions.
It is advisable to return your payment in a sealed envelope with all family names written clearly on the outside.
If you are a tax payer and would like to Gift Aid your contribution please complete the Gift Aid form below and send it with your contribution. This is at no extra cost to you and is worth 25 pence for every £1.00 paid.
Thank you in anticipation of your support.