Sports Teams

LGS Netball Seniors 2022-2023

Team Captain: C. McAllister
Team Coach: Mrs M Sandy

C. McAllister, C.Burnside, T. Butcher, Z. Cupples, K. McCracken, B. McCloskey, A. McDermott, L. Magee, K. Moore, E.Kershaw, K. McCartney, L. Allen , Z. Kershaw, B. Proctor, A. McFarland, O. Wilders

The Senior girls enjoyed a competitive season this year in their league section.  Dominican, Loreto and Cross and Passion were super opponents throughout, showing great skill level, sportsmanship and enthusiasm in all home and away games.  I have never seen a more determined group of girls from LGS fight for every ball in every match this season. The shooting was exceptional from Tiegan, Lucie and Charli, as often the pressure from the opposition defence was tough.  Aislinn, as always, played a key role in coordinating tactical centre passes and motivating the girls on and off the court as team Centre, along with Keeper and Captain Charlotte.

Keziah and Bronagh in their roles as WA helped feed the ball each time into the shooting circle, again past a hard defence.  Charlotte, Zoe and Zara played a super defensive trio in all games which once again was supported by Centre Aislinn with her quick and agile passes around the shooting circle.

Fitness levels in the end just let us down for a league placing, and a few tears were shed as this game marked the end of an era for our year 14 team.

This group of Senior girls have been a real dedicated squad, playing together since Year 8, they finished the season on a high but with their hearts filled with emotion.  These girls have shown exceptional commitment and leadership skills throughout this time, always leading by example to the younger players of the club.  They have been the best of friends and knew each other inside out on the netball court.  As their teacher and coach over the years we have shared some great memories, stories and heart-warming laughs.  I will treasure these forever girls, thank you.

I wish each of you all the luck in the world with your future career choices, remember you are always welcome to visit us at LGS.

Thanks from the Coach

Just a final word of thanks to all the girls in LGS netball club for showing such dedication and commitment to the 2022-2023 season.  It is amazing to see so many of you grow in skill, knowledge and understanding of the game.  We will continue to look forward to the future, working together and enjoying netball.

See you all for the 2023-2024 season.

Mrs M. Sandy

Teacher in charge of Netball