Sports Teams

LGS Netball Minor 2022-2023

Team Captain: K. Wilson
Team Coach: Mrs M Sandy

K.Wilson, A.Guy, I. Calderwood, K. O’Hara, A. Forrest, E. Simpson, F. Dougherty, T. McDonald, D. Robinson, C. Quinn, L.Butcher, K. Buchanan, B. Watson, L. Mc Laughlin

The Minor Team had a very enjoyable season in a tough league section.

The girls have really progressed this year, bonding great together whilst learning new tactics and strategies.  Captain Kate Wilson has really grown in confidence and skill level.  Kate has played a key role in supporting all players during this season.  With her quiet but controlled manner she has always pushed herself and her teammates to reach their full potential.  The shooters Izzy, Eden and Katie have been consistent in every match with the defence and attacking players working together to make the team grow from strength to strength.