Sports Teams

LGS Hockey U14 2022-2023

Team Captain: A. Young
Team Coach: Mrs N Wilson

H. Haslett, R, McFetridge, A. Maguire, A. McGee, K. Walker, M. Deighan, M. Glenn, A. Young, A. Craig, E. Hill, A. Douglas, C. Armstrong, V. McMurray, K. Buchanan, B. Watson, A. Guy, H. McArthur, C. Tagg

The U14s made it to the QF of the Junior Plate, where they lost to Omagh HS 2-0. Wins over Royal and Prior on penalty runs and a defeat to Dalriada on penalty runs gave the U14 a thirst for cup success. The U14s had draws against local rivals Dalriada and Coleraine GS in the Derry and Antrim League.

Special mention to Year 9 students Kate Buchanan and Bethany Watson who have represented the U14s all season.