Extra-Curricular ActivitiesScripture UnionIt was a busy year at 180 with plenty of visiting speakers and some after school events.Chess Club"Chess is the gymnasium of the mind”. ― Blaise PascalCurrent AffairsThe newly formed Current Affairs Society gives students a place to express their opinions and views on matters… well, that matter!Duke of Edinburgh's AwardThe Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in LGS got under way for the year in early September 2022.Dungeons and DragonsThe DnD Club caters to students from all year groups, teaching them how to create and play a character within a fantasy world.Modern Languages ClubThe MFL Club met at lunchtime to play games and enjoy activities in French and Spanish.Surf ClubBeing in the water is such a brilliant way to exercise, try a new skill, make friends, and most importantly have fun!Traditional GroupThe Traditional Group started this year again with some old faces and some new!Ukuele OrchestraThe Ukulele Orchestra performed at the Christmas Concert, the Rock Festival and Open Night this year!