A level PE class donates to charity

JMcCreadyGeneral News

Well done to the A level PE class who have donated the proceeds from their very successful colour run to the Parents’ Association, The Society of St Vincent de Paul and The Salvation Army Mrs Sheila Duffy receives a cheque for £1570 on behalf of the Parents’ Association. Major Joan Archibald receives a cheque for £788.50 on behalf of the … Read More

Andrew wins Silver

JMcCreadyClubs & Awards, Curriculum, General News

Congratulations to Andrew, Y14, who was presented today with a silver certificate gained in the UK Chemistry Olympiad. This prestigious competition is open to all UK schools and is run by INEOS, the world’s third largest producer of chemicals.

Spring Concert 2017

JMcCreadyGeneral News, Music and Drama

A fabulous Spring Concert was enjoyed by a large audience on Wednesday 29 March. Because of the on going renovations, the venue was moved to the Sports Hall and this proved to hugely successful. Well done to all the performers and thank you to the staff who coordinated such a terrific evening of talent. Thanks to James Matthews, Y13, for … Read More

Welcome to our French guests

JMcCreadyGeneral News

We are delighted to welcome nineteen pupils from France and their teachers on the return leg of our French Exchange. The pupils from the College Richelieu in La Roche Sur Yon will be visiting Belfast, the North Coast and Londonderry during their stay as well as experiencing some lessons with their partners and enjoying the “craic” with their host families. … Read More

Join The Team

JMcCreadyGeneral News

Limavady Grammar School is currently recruiting for a Head of Department (Biology) Head of Department (Religious Education) Teacher of Computing & ICT Teacher of History & Politics Teacher of Technology & Design Details of these posts and the application process can be found at on the Education Authority website (Western region)

Sentinus Young Innovator Technology Event in LGS!

JMcCreadyGeneral News

Sentinus Young Innovator technology event was held in Limavady Grammar School 24/3/17. This was the North West heat including entrants from Limavady and some Coleraine Primary Schools. James and Josh from Limavady Central Primary School were placed first with their strongest design of a bridge. The winners will now progress to University of Ulster, Jordanstown for the Northern Ireland finals … Read More

Evan selected for London Mini Marathon!

JMcCreadyGeneral News

Congratulations to Evan (Y11) who has been selected to represent Northern Ireland at the London Mini Marathon on Sunday 23rd April 2017. Evan will travel with his team mates to London for the weekend and compete amongst the top athletes in his age group. Evan is pictured here with his athletics coach, Mrs Sandy, and the school principal Mrs Madden … Read More

Stick and Ball – Year 8

JMcCreadyHockey, Sports, Trips & Tours

35 Year 8 pupils, along with Mrs Sandy and Mr McSparron, attended the finals day of the ‘Stick and Ball’ cross community event today at Coleraine Rugby club. This event is organised to allow pupils from different communities to experience sports that they wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to play. Many thanks to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for … Read More