
Head of Dept: Dr D Collins


Staff in department

Miss A Hughes, Mr P Parke

A Level

  • A level exam board: CCEA
Module% of total A Level GradeHow is it assessed?Module Title
AS Module 113%Solo Performance of 5 to 7 minutes and a viva voce, visiting examinerPerforming
AS Module 213%Composition of 1½ to 2½ minutes, 1000 word commentary.
Internal assessment external moderation
AS Module 314%1 hour test of aural perception 2 hour written examinationResponding to Music
A2 Module 119.5%Solo performance of 8 to 10 minutes and a viva voce, visiting examiner.Performing
A2 Module 219.5%Composition task or composing with technology task, 1200 word commentary, external assessment.Composing
A2 Module 321%1 hour 15 minute test of aural perception.
2 hour written examination
Responding to Music


GCSE% of GCSE gradeHow is it assessed?Unit title
Unit 130%Composition portfolio of 3 to 6 minutes, internally assessed externally moderatedComposing and Appraising
Unit 235%Solo and ensemble performance and viva voce, visiting examinerPerforming and Appraising
Unit 335%Two 45 minute tests of aural perceptionListening and Appraising

KS3: Brief topic overview

Year 8
(i) music notation, (ii) ensemble performance, (iii) performing and composing with iPads and Macs, (iv) guided listening, (v) performing a song cover, (vi) musical instruments.

Year 9
(i) performing and using chords on iPads (ii) Irish traditional music (iii) song covers and arrangements with Macs, (iv) repeating patterns in music, (v) electronic music, (vi) group song composition.

Year 10
(i) Four-chord songs, (ii) Careers and music media, (iii) recording and sound effects with iPads, (iv) composing with chords (v) research projects (vi) composing and arranging with Macs.