Mathematics Awards

Matthew Dunlop

During Maths Week Ireland, Year 9 and 10 students took part in a Maths Olympiad, whilst all Year 9 students took part in a UK wide Junior Maths Challenge where pupils answer questions that test their thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Young Enterprise

Matthew Dunlop

The Young Enterprise Company Programme was run this year in school and proved very successful. There were nine Year 13 students who worked together as a group to develop a product that would then be produced, marketed and sold to the public. This year’s company was called ‘On the Bright Side’.

Textiles Club

Matthew Dunlop

At Textiles Club, KS3 students have been learning pattern cutting, hand sewing, basic sewing machine and construction skills!

Families First Education Awards

Matthew Dunlop

Staff and pupils in Limavady Grammar School were celebrating this year after being named ‘Overall Winner for Best School in Northern Ireland’ at the Families First Education Awards held in the Titanic Centre, Belfast.

Ukulele Orchestra


Ukulele Orchestra takes place in M2 every Thursday lunchtime. It is led by Miss Hughes and Mr Lee, and it is open to players of all levels in all year groups. We also welcome guitar players and singers!

The Traditional Group


The Traditional Group started this year again with some old faces and some new! A selection of songs and instrumental pieces were worked on throughout the year at our lunchtime practices, with some treat days to thank the students for all their hard work.

Surf Club


This year thirty-four students and three staff enjoyed our four weeks of surf lessons with Longline Surf School Benone. The waves were brilliant every day and many students showed impressive skills and development over the four lessons, even those who were trying it for the first time.

Modern Languages Club


On a monthly basis, the Modern Languages Club met at lunchtime to play games and enjoy an array of activities in French and Spanish. The club was organised by Ms McGrattan, assisted by our French Assistant Angelique and a few Sixth Form helpers.

Dungeons and Dragons


Despite being one of the newer groups at LGS, the Dungeons and Dragons Club has quickly found a place for itself amongst those with a taste for creativity, story-telling and adventure.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in LGS got under way for the year in early September 2022 with a number of after school training sessions for the Year 11 Silver Award Group. These were followed by their first expedition from Friday 16 September to Saturday 17 September, in the local area, camping at the Waterfall Caves campsite.