
Crochet Club


Our crochet club is a creative haven for students to unwind and explore their artistic side. Open to beginners and experienced crafters alike, the club teaches foundational techniques, such as chaining, single and double crochet, and pattern reading. This year, after mastering the fine art of holding the wool correctly, slipknots, single chains and double crochet, we are currently making

Our crochet club is a creative haven for students to unwind and explore their artistic side. Open to beginners and experienced crafters alike, the club teaches foundational techniques, such as chaining, single and double crochet, and pattern reading. This year, after mastering the fine art of holding the wool correctly, slipknots, single chains and double crochet, we are currently making beaded Christmas tree decorations. Beyond crafting, the club fosters relaxation, patience, and problem-solving skills. It’s a fantastic way to de-stress, learn a timeless skill, and create handmade treasures.
