GCSE Results Day At Limavady Grammar


Following on from the publication of last week’s A Level results,  this week it was the turn of Year 12 pupils at Limavady Grammar to experience the nerves but also the excitement of receiving their GCSE results.  This year saw a return to normal grading, following several years of more lenient awarding in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic, however pupils at the Grammar School once again produced a very pleasing set of results, with almost 47% of all papers sat resulting in the top A*/A grades and 36 pupils achieving 7 or more A*/A grades.

Top achieving pupils were Ellen Gibbons and William Gordon, who both achieved 8 A* and one A grade, whilst another 15 pupils – Kelsie Allen, Jenna Boyd, Amy Bradley-Morrison, Killian Brolly, Sophie Deehan, Rachel Hood, Emilia Kingston, Anna McGookin, Sarah McGrath, Ross McNerlin, Daniel Millen, Lili Morrow, Benjamin Skocylas, Meg Smyth, and Abbie Stevenson– all achieved 9 A*/A grades.

Principal Nicola Madden was eager to praise the efforts of all Year 12 pupils and their teachers.  “These results have demanded hard work and dedication over a long period of time,” she said.  “I would like to congratulate each and every one of our pupils on what they have achieved.  They fully deserve their success.  I also want to thank all of our staff for the hard work and dedication that they have shown in preparing the pupils for their exams and also our parents for the support and encouragement you have given to your children.  We look forward to welcoming most of our students back next week to begin their A Level studies and, to those students who will be leaving us, I wish them all the best in whatever paths they have chosen to follow.”